EDM AGIE CUT 200D Floppy Drive Update

EDM AGIEMATIC CD Wire eroding machine

All your programs, files and backups on a single SD or Pendrive!

No more Floppies!

FlexiDrive floppy emulator installed on a EDM AGIEMATIC CD working with floppy 720KB IBM interface.

You can storage up 2500 floppies in a single SD card or USB Pendrive.









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About FlexiDrive

Floppy Drive Emulators and Media Update Solutions.

7 Responses to “EDM AGIE CUT 200D”

  1. magdy soliman April 4, 2017 at 8:47 am #

    i need one FlexiDriveS-USB

    • Ariel Menna May 2, 2017 at 6:31 pm #

      Thanks for your interest in our products FlexiDrive.
      We will send you more information to your email address soon.

      Thanks and Best Regards,
      The FlexiDrive Support Team

  2. Milosh Angelov May 27, 2015 at 6:42 am #

    hi,please send the price of the Floppy to usb Emulator for Agie cut 100D…. tnx

    • Ariel Menna May 2, 2017 at 6:33 pm #

      Hello Milosh.
      Thanks for your interest in our products FlexiDrive. FlexiDrive is the best solution to replace the old floppy drive units on your AGIE cut 100D. We will send you all the information and a detailed quotation to your email address. Thanks and Best Regards, The FlexiDrive support team

    • Goran April 15, 2023 at 7:55 pm #

      Pozdrav Milose, da li si uzeo flexiDrive, i kako si zadovoljan sa uredjajem?
      Hvala, pozdrav iz Leskovca, Goran

  3. Dr. Engineer: Badreldin Elfayoumi March 12, 2014 at 7:39 am #

    please send the price of the Floppy to usb Emulator for Wir Cut machine model AGIE – AC100D
    Dr. Engineer: Badreldin Elfayoumi

    • FlexiDrive March 12, 2014 at 9:56 am #

      Hello Mr. Elfayoumi.
      Thanks for your interest in our products FlexiDrive. FlexiDrive is the best solution to replace the old floppy drive units on your Wir Cut machine model AGIE – AC100D. We will send you all the information and a detailed quotation to your email address. Thanks and Best Regards, The FlexiDrive support team

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